InfoTech, Design and Image manipulation

Code Description Max attendance No of days Course fee (SGD)
ITD-01 Support your business on the move, work just anywhere and connect with everyone everywhere. Combine your skype with teamviewer, google drive and dropbox to make sharing of information painless. Also introducing Microsoft Azure and linux cPanel powered in clouds for business person on the move. 20 4 1,007
ITD-02 Learn to take charge of your own desktop wherever you are with remote access. Manage, synchronize and update your files across devices that you use and achieve high level flexibility with remote access and scheduling. 20 2 607
ITD-03 Beat the photographer with photoshop digital image processor. Learn how to put a fine touch on your photo by layering, imaging, coloring and integrate these images in the cloud. 10 2 607
ITD-04 Design a banner, logo, business card, flyer and brochure for your business. Discover your creative side in designing with the use of photoshop illustrator now. 10 2 607
ITD-05 Learn shortcut, masking, illustrating and coloring with photoshop in creating and designing your web design. Find out how you can design and develop your own website. 10 2 607
ITD-06 Edit, cut and put after effect on your very own video to mark your special moment. Master skills of shooting track, special technique in shooting a scene, pre and post renderer and putting in introduction in video with one or two cameras. 10 2 607
ITD-07 Get deeper understanding of powerful tools from Goole that will transformyour business and personal affairs. Make use of its unparalleled search engine, embed your video in youtube, personalize your email, schedule your activities and create documents in google. Also introducing adsense for business to personalize its ads and individual to make extras through it. 30 2 397
ITD-08 Express yourself and let your idea be known through world of blogging. Make use of blog to promote ideas and products or services. If that is not enough, control your own hosting and domain system for greater personalization. Master the http, ssl, dns record, ftp and email server now. 15 2 607
ITD-09 Microsoft Words is one of many under utilized words processing program. Explore the world of Words further and get yourself familiar with its setting and shortcuts. Install the plug ins for more features and integrate your documents in the cloud for easy access. 20 2 607
ITD-10 Discover the power of Excel with its ever useful functions of basic words processing as well and calculating and analyzing data. Learn to optimize your task with simple Excel functions as substitute to some complex program now. 20 2 607
ITD-11 Create slides that attracts and maintains audience interest in your presentation. Combine the use of powerpoint technology with psychology and behavior of the audience in creating appropriate slides.Find out how. 20 2 607
ITD-12 Create 3D or 2D games with Unity 3D. Game lover, ever wonder how your favorite video games were created and wish to create one too? Find out how to use mockup, layering, lighting, game engine and carema effects in creating your next favorite games. 8 4 1,007